Return Policy

Return Policy

In order to ensure that our merchants have the best possible experience, we have developed the following return policy to provide clear guidelines and protection for our merchants.

Plexins Return Policy Overview

1.Free trial period:

We offer a [14] day free trial period for users to experience our software before purchasing. During the trial period, you can fully test the features of the software to ensure that it meets your needs.

2.ReturnRequests After Purchase:

- FIRST TIME PURCHASES: For first time purchasers, if you are not satisfied with our software within [1] day of purchase, you may request a return. RESERVATIONS Please note that this return policy only applies to first-time purchases and does not include renewals.

- Renewal: Renewal services are generally non-returable, as users should be fully aware of our services before renewing their subscription.

3.Cost components:

The subscription fee consists of the following two parts:

Fixed system service fee: 30 per cent of the subscription fee is a non-returnable fixed system service fee.

Cost of use: The remaining 70 per cent is the cost of use based on actual use.

4.Non-returnable Circumstances:

-Beyond the deadline for requesting a return.

-Software versions not purchased through our official channels.

-Unavailability due to third-party services (e.g. ISP problems, user hardware problems, etc.).

-User changes his mind or no longer needs the service.

-Subscription cancellation due to the User's violation of the Terms of Service.

-Other circumstances not expressly provided for in this Agreement.

5.Plexins Return Process:

①. Submission of applications:

To request a return, please send an email to [] with "return Request" in the subject line and provide the purchase information (including subscription account information, subscription date and order number, etc.) and the reason for the return (any relevant supporting documentation such as screenshots, error logs, etc.) in the email.

②. Processing Time:

Our customer support team will review return requests within [10] business days of receipt and will notify users of the review outcome via email.

③. Issuing returns:

Once a return request is approved, we will process the return to the original payment account within [30] business days. The exact time for the funds to be credited may vary depending on the payment channel.

6.Customer Support:

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us:


- Live Chat: Visit our website [] and click on "Contact Support" for real-time assistance.

We are committed to providing high-quality service and appreciate your support and understanding. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us.


NOTE: We reserve the right to modify this return Agreement at any time. The modified agreement will be posted on our website and will be effective immediately. It is the merchant's responsibility to review the agreement periodically.